- Students should be regular and punctual. They should be habitually clean and neatly dressed.
- The language of interaction inside the school premises is English except during Hindi, Kannada and Sankrit classes.
- Use of abusive language, quarrelsome and riotous behaviour inside the school premises is not permitted.
- Indulgence or encouragement of unfair means connected with any school activities is not allowed.
- Wearing of jewellery and valuable articles or use of mobile is not permitted. In case of loss of personal items, school will not be responsible.
- Boys must keep their hair short, trimmed and combed. Girls should wear their hair in two plaits or keep it pinned up neatly. Use of hair gels, dyes, tattoos or such materials will lead to disciplinary measures.
- Students should carry their lunch and water bottle to school in the morning itself. No lunch bag will be accepted later during school hours.
- School diary must be brought to school every day.
- School reserves the right to reprimand students whose conduct has a detrimental effect on other fellow students.
- Immorality, contempt of authority or wilful damage of school property will be a sufficient reason for dismissal.
- No books, (other than text books or library books) magazines or papers should be brought to school without the permission of the class teacher.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity.
- Students must report to school without fail on the re-opening and closing day of any school vacation such as Dussehra, Onam and Summer vacation.
- Even during holidays/vacation, students visiting the school must be in regular school uniform.
- Students must wear their ID card to school every day.
- Ignorance of rules will not be considered as an excuse. The school reserves the right to cancel or modify any of the existing rules and enforce new rules as the situation demands.